forensic Voice analysis and forensic Speech recognition Analysis experts
Audio Forensic Services are leading forensic Voice and speech recognition analysis experts in the Uk, as experts we conduct forensic speech recognition and voice dialogue profiling through the voice recognition characteristics of a persons speech. Once completed we document all findings in our expert reports!
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UK Forensic voice analysis expert witness services explained: Forensic voice analysis and forensic speech recognition applies to the voice comparison of two or more voice or speech samples to determine whether each voice pattern matches. This procedure is classed as voice recognition expert comparison.
Speech recognition analysis and voice comparisons are presented in professional reports clearly indicating and pinpointing comparisons or differentiation when performing an analysis on a voice recording. The audio recordings are processed through specific industry recognised voice analysis software programs, whereby formant calculations are analysed and mapped. Linguistic experts will also study the phonetics and speech patterns of a voice to present an aural voice analysis of the recording of which strengthens the high or low support rating of a voice match.
Forensic Voice comparison of speech patterns to determine as to whether a single voice on one evidential recording matches a voice on a separate voice recording.
Tools and methods are applied to allow a UK expert to gain the information required to report on a forensic voice recognition match.
Forensic Speech analysis that focuses on the characteristics of a speaker's known voice compared to a disputed speaker's voice recording.
To extract vowel utterances from two separate speech recordings and compare the results to produce a formant bio-metric analysis chart.
Voice comparison services require an audio voice expert to compare speech patterns in order to determine whether one or two voices are the same voice. In our lab we use specific industry software and also employ the skills of our experienced voice specialists and linguists to perform various tasks which can include an aural voice comparison from identical sentence structures and words.
Our voice identification expert services plays an integral key role in legal litigation cases and civil case files. At AFS we can expose speech patterns and chart the voice on a recording to report on the probability factor. The procedures taken by us ultimately lead to a clearer indication of a voice's identification forming more in-depth analysis reports to assist the client.
Voice and speech dialogue recognition requires two or more voice or speech samples to be compared, to determine whether each of the sampled voices match.
All reports are presented with clear indication of the matching results. Our speech linguistic experts will focus on the phonetics and speech patterns of a speakers voice to analyse whether the voices are a high or low probability voice match.
Voice and speech formant analysis of a voice recording, incorporates the forensic extraction of vowel utterances from two or more recordings. We then compare the formants and report our findings in an independent certified report. Our reports are issued for court or tribunal presentations purposes. We also accept and work with sound files in foreign languages in addition to the English language.
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