Forensic voice analysis experts and Audio recording analysis expert witnesses UK
At Audio Forensic Services all our reports comply with the acpo guidelines and The forensic science regulator act 2021!
Our forensic expert witness services incorporate UK forensic voice and audio analysis experts specialising in forensic audio analysis, audio audibility analysis and audio enhancements. We additionally specialise in Forensic audio transcriptions and other prime areas connected to suspect elimination and litigation which include voice comparison and voice recognition.
Audio forensic services and its audio and voice experts adhere to strict non-disclosure policy in all of its case files and carries out all work in compliance with the ACPO guide-lines and the data protection act 2018.
Audio forensic services are registered with the Forensic Science Regulator Secretariat and comply with the forensic science regulator act 2021.
As audio forensic experts we understand the importance to continually develop and expand by further applying new techniques, tools and a refreshed methodology in order to adapt to the ever increasing changes in technology and the law.
Audio Forensic Services have on board dedicated and expeienced audio voice specialists who are experts at the top of their professional fields. Through our expert witness service, we assist clients in supporting evidence by applying our years of training and experience.
As audio and voice specialists, our services are offered to members of the legal profession being solicitors, barristers of both prosecution and defence. For international clients the service would pertain to criminal defense lawyers and legal litigation attorneys.
A fee is charged for our experts to be named as an expert witness and for the provision of a witness statement (section 9). Court hearings, court preparation, conference calls, travel time and travel expenses are all charged separately at additional rates.
With dedicated training and experience comes knowledge. Through this knowledge we are able to open up doorways to further discovery into the world of sound and vision. Changes to our social climate and the expansion of today's media technology has meant that audio video recordings can be used to capture vital moments of day to day activities in real-time. This vital data plays a pivotal role in audio video forensics and courtroom presentation acting as crucial components of evidence whereby, recordings and hardware devices are time stamped, later to be presented as important audio evidence in litigation, legal cases and court hearings.
Our forensic analysis expert services provide key detailed expert witness analysis reports which are fully certified and provide our legal clients the verified documentation to support their case file. At AFS our audio expert witness services are conducted in a neutral, independent, unbiased professional manner ensuring that we leave no stones unturned.
At AFS our expert witness services are extremely varied whereby our team members with many years of professional experience behind them in their chosen fields cover expansive areas of specialities, diversity and expertise.
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