FSR and Court Certified
Forensic audio file recording analysis experts
and Forensic Audio recording Analysis Expert witness
Our experts offer forensic audio file recording analysis services, incorporating the forensic audio recording expert analysis of voice recordings and audio file recording evidence analysis to the legal profession and to individual private clients. We are market leader UK experts in forensic audio file recording analysis services, forensic authenticity analysis and forensic audio recording continuity analysis in the UK and worldwide, with a proven track record of determining the authenticity of voice and audio recordings on digital media or analogue tape. Our audio and voice authentication services continue to produce evidence, which contains the required legal guidelines, as well as legal continuity requirements in the UK and globally. Experts support clients from an independent impartial perspective and supply reports and findings that are both reliable and perceptible. Assisted by the latest up-to-date technology and a constantly evolving and expanding base of audio forensic resources, our examiners are able to guide clients worldwide on technical issues, questions and opinions with confidence.
Our forensic examiners as experts provide an independent, impartial forensic consultancy service. Evidence such as voice recorders and USB drives are handled professionally leaving no indication of inspection or transfer. Material evidence is thoroughly analysed and assessed to determine for example: audio tampering or whether the recorded evidence has been subjected to the masking of edits by a professional and such methods employed which could impede authenticity. Forensic audio analysis and digital forensic media analysis requires expert consultants to certify the processes for submission to court.
The assessment of audio file recordings to determine as to whether they have been subjected to any post production alterations.
The analysis of audio files that are referenced in a legal or litigation hearing with the need to be certified as evidence.
Here we analyse and compare aspects of a speaker's voice characteristics and compare it to an evidential recording.
Verifying signs of editing within recordings through spectrograms and the internal hash keys which forms a finger print of an audio file.
Due to the open source of audio editing software, audio analysis and authentication services are in demand more than ever before. Today's technology provides ample opportunity for domestic users to record conversations on the fly in real time. Domestic software packages and third party addon programs allow the home user or hobbyist to rearrange or edit recorded material. Hence this facilitates the importance of experts to analyse material for its authentication and produce certified documentation and reports on their findings to verify continuity or discontinuity of audio recordings.
Audio forensic evidence analysis reports are presented to clients in order to assist in areas which require a recording to be proven legitimate.
The authentication of recordings are an integral part of Audio Forensic Services to present recordings as a valid piece of evidence. Various techniques are implemented to analyse and authenticate a recording. This varies depending on the original recording device used to capture a specific moment in time.
Verification of recordings rely on techniques to detect editing or tampering.
Voice and Speech dialogue analysis and forensic speech analysis applies to the voice comparison of two or more voice or speech samples to determine whether each voice pattern matches. This procedure is classed as voice forensic analysis comparison.
Speech recognition analysis and voice comparisons are presented in professional reports clearly indicating and pinpointing continuity or discontinuity when analysing a dialogue audio recording. The recordings are processed through specific industry recognised voice analysis software programs, whereby formant calculations are analysed and graded. Linguistic experts will also study the phonetics and speech patterns of dialogue to present an aural analysis of the recording of which strengthens the high or low probability rating of a voice match.
To clarify and confirm authenticity Audio Forensic Services conduct investigations to detect and verify signs of any discontinuities, tampering or editing within a recording. Sound files can be subjected to tampering when they are taken out of their original recording environment. At AFS we have the facilities, knowledge and technology to perform the required tasks and formulate supporting reports to be used as evidence in disputes, litigation, legal matters and court hearings to confirm continuity and authentication or prove corruption and alteration.
Digital voice recorders can be used for domestic purposes or commercial as in the form of black box data recordings. Whether it be a domestic, legal or tribunal analysis report required, AFS can assist in these areas of service.
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